Alium Green Button
Learn more about the first phase of gamification for the AliumSwap DEX
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Learn more about the first phase of gamification for the AliumSwap DEX
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Alium Green Button (AGB) is an innovative incentive program marked as the first phase of gamification for the AliumSwap DEX, with the primary objective of rewarding users who engage with Alium DEX by offering ALM tokens, stables, and NFTs.
Alium Green Button runs on 3 blockchains - BNB Chain, Polygon, ETH, with the option to add others. Each blockchain has a separate counter of the rewards implemented, which means, actions on one blockchain do NOT stack with actions on other chains.
After making each swap, the user can play a win-win lottery by spending the tickets, according to the results of which he can:
Receive and/or upgrade NFT
Win ALM token (from 0.02 to 5$)
Earn a stable coin (from 0.02 to 5$)
Users get the opportunity to play Alium Green Button after the actions performed on AliumSwap:
First Transaction
The first exchange for the wallet, tickets are credited immediately.
Only transactions over $10 (USDT) are eligible for the draw
First Provision of Liquidity
The first provided liquidity from the wallet (to any pool), tickets are credited immediately.
Only transactions with total liquidity in a pair of more than $20 (USDT) - $10+$10 participate in the drawing.
When adding liquidity, you need to check that the added tokens have some exchange rate on CoinMarketCap (at the address of the contract)
Subsequent exchanges
1 ticket per 5 swaps
Tickets occur the next day after the last exchange.
Only transactions over $10 (USDT) are eligible for the draw
Provision of liquidity
+1 ticket for 30$;
+2 tickets for $50;
+5 tickets for 100$+ on daily basis
No more than 10 tickets per day for liquidity on 1 chain
Tickets are credited a day after the liquidity is deposited. If liquidity was deposited for a shorter period, tickets are not credited.
Received tickets are summed up every day until the limit for 1 account is reached (50 tickets in total).
For example,
There were 7 swap tickets on the user's account. The user deposited liquidity and received 10 tickets the next day. There were 17 tickets in total. Then, third and fourth days, he also received 10 tickets, in total there were 47 tickets on his account.
On the fifth day, he should receive 10 more tickets, but the account has reached the maximum, and the user received only 3 tickets. The rest of the tickets were canceled.
If the user has not spent these tickets, the next day the number of tickets will not change and will be 50 pcs.
Any of the above operations using an ALM token
+20% to the collected attempts, is awarded in the form of bonus points
+20% to collected attempts for this operation.
For example, the user exchanged ALM for BNB. Since the user receives 1 ticket for this transaction, he/she will be given another 20% bonus points, that is, 20 bonus points.
Accrual occurs at the same moment when the main operation is performed.
Maximum Amount of tickets per Account - 50 tickets.
After each new participation in AGB, the counter in the user's profile will be updated.
If the transaction falls under any of the applicable actions, the remuneration of the rewards is charged immediately at the time the data is written to the database.
Calculation of daily rewards for the provided liquidity is carried out once a day. At 12:00:00 UTC, we make a selection of transactions for each pair and look at the date of the last transaction in the pair.
For example, if a user has made 10 transactions of adding/withdrawing liquidity and the date of the last transaction was made earlier than 12:00:00 UTC of the previous day, then the tickets for the pair will be credited. If the last transaction was made less than 24 hours ago, the reward for this pair is not charged.
The issuance of tickets for swaps (which should be issued the next day) follows the same pattern as the issuance of daily liquidity rewards. If the Reward availability date is less than the current time, then the tickets are credited to the user, and the status of the transaction in the database changes to 1.
ALM Token
Upgradable NFT